EditElle has worked with authors and businesses across the globe. These EditElle projects are currently published, but are not a full representation of all EditElle's projects. These titles do no reflect beta-read titles, website and blog work, or current works in progress. Several of EditElle's clients are querying and writing at any given moment so keep an eye on my Instagram to see the titles as they publish. I hope that you enjoy these released titles as much as I did.
(Please note: Each title has had different editing or coaching levels, and each author chooses which edits to apply to their own works.)
Houseplants and Hardcovers
Daphne James Huff
Soul Tether
B. Joyce
The Curse of the Mekori
Brooke Clonts
A Shot at Love
Daphne James Huff
Hope Whitaker
Moon Beetles
B. Joyce
April Angel Brunk
A Tale of Two Ghosts
Sarah Riad
Saving Ellie
Whitney R.B.
Follow the Stars
Gwen Martin
Follow the Stars
Gwen Martin
Still Summer nights
Lillian Empire
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